It can be found in the Tombsward Catacombs, which are located in the Weeping Peninsula found in the south. The Winged Scythe is a reaper weapon with a long reach, that requires 16 Strength and Dexterity, along with 24 Faith. There are two keys weapons you can find every early that will last for a long while into your Elden Ring playthrough.

These four stats are your main focus for the rest of the game, and you'll only want to boost others if you need to reach the requirements for a certain weapon. Your focus should mainly be on the Faith stat, though you can probably leave this for your first several levels as you'll want some points in Mind, Vigor, and Dexterity.

This build can be quite costly when it comes to runes, as you'll need a few of the stats to be relatively high before you start becoming super powerful. All of these will be swapped out relatively quickly, but they still have their place for the start. The Prophet also begins with a flame spell, short spear, finger seal, and a shield. You also have a very useful Heal spell to start, which can make a big difference in the early hours when you're low on flasks. Starting as a Prophet will put you at level seven, and give you a good head start on Faith and Mind.